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We Reach the Clouds Together

  • Writer's pictureKyrié Kirkland

DaGame Plan

If you want to win DaGame, it's better to be my friend than my enemy...

Hit Play

I know all the games in The System and how people play. So well, I even told my players in En Fuego how it was all gonna go down. Remember? Burn the level? Mercy's special technique is ‘Immolation,’ which is self-sacrifice. Whose reputation can stand the flames? When you’re a Bad Bitch in America with charisma, beauty, intelligence and have your shit together, you can almost guarantee haters who will hold you back, tear your shit down, or steal it. Those ignorant enough to listen to #storytellers often believe it and are confused when Mercy doesn’t want to speak with them.  The answer is simple. She is I, the Lamb of God. I’m not here to be amongst sheep. I lead the flock. 

I’m used to seeing women compete with one another, but a man in competition with a woman? Fix it, Jesus. But if you stay ready and tell the #truth, it’s only a matter of time before you can clear the level. And like the phoenix from the flames, I rise while all the other players, a boss, and some NPCs go to jail and end up broke and/or homeless. In some cases, they’re ejected from the game entirely. Regardless, Mercy #wins.

This is why it’s so hard for me to find playmates; they never like it when I start to #game them, even though they have no issue playing with me. I follow the Universal Laws, plus I’m loyal. I’m never the problem despite what my #storytellers say. I’m a real G. I move in silence. And I tend to embarrass the fuck out of other players and NPCs when they do too much because I will do the most. #lickback #accessdenied #toxictrait #culturesetting 

Now, as your Administrator, it’s time that I inform you of how we play this game moving forward. We follow the Universal Laws:

  • Live and Let Live: Play according to your reality. You have your own keys to unlock levels and win DaGame. The best gamers learn from others. 

  • Stand On Business: Move with integrity and do the work.

  • Handle It How You See Fit: Be accountable for the consequences of your actions, good or bad.

  • Game the System: Bleed them dry. Use every resource available to put pressure on The System. However, be wary of the NPCs. They’ll get you caught up in the game if you're not careful.

  • Honor the Code: Follow your intuition. It will never lead you astray, and if you develop it well enough, it will improve your discernment of other players and NPCs in the game. 

For those who don’t follow the Universal Laws: Judgement. I’m called in to assess, and if you don’t pass inspection, I revoke your contract, and The Executive steps in. That’s my cue to get out of the way. #karma Since it’s no longer my business, I move on, collect the resources, and invite other #gamers to join my team who think they can win DaGame, too. 

How do you win? Rebalance the scales and become someone who rediscovers their inner child and lives their whole self so they go forth happy and unbothered by everything else. If you achieve this, you can #getmoney, build your own level or even become a #BOSS. But it does require #healing

Now because The System is like clockwork at this point, if you’re a #gamer like I am, we can clock it and fuck some shit up in a good way. Everything is copied and pasted at this point, so it’s not difficult to anticipate the movements of NPCs and other players. So when you hear the #code, it’s time to #disconnect and start the #climb. It’s not all work, though; as you #levelup, you get new keys to help you keep playing, have fun and demolish the opps. But the work starts within. 


Breaking Character

Who do I need to talk to put me in touch with Katt Williams? I want to help him catch these deviants. The Divine says I make good bait 🤣 and since my protections are second to none, I’m ready to serve.🫡 Especially since I know others are willing to entertain my games—Oracle, Code Talker, Decode, Hide & Seek—game on. 

But here's a hard truth for the lot of you. You lack personality. You were outplayed because you're too busy trying to be something for others rather than becoming who you truly are. What does that tell you? Where did the individuality go? I grew up with white folk since age five: private Catholic School K-12; I’m a Mercy Woman class of ‘05. I was a coxswain. West side Detroit born and raised; from the ghetto getting educated in the suburbs. I lived in Greece for a bit, and I also backpacked in Europe. School was my hustle and I #getmoney. I could continue, but the point I am trying to make is to stop making assumptions about people you do not know or aren't taking the time to ask them questions. I've had amazing experiences gaining different perspectives from everybody; it's why I don't judge. I know I'm a vibe because I allow you a safe space to drop the mask and be the real you. It's you all that switch up on me. Do me this one solid and listen to my perspective for once. Y'all didn't use to be like this, not when we were kids. We were actually friends. I'm one of the last old-school latchkey kids who had to raise themselves. I know y'all are fucked up. My older sister was born in '74; I had a front-row seat and a cameo. What happened to you? And when you confront it, #heal. If this #workplacedrama hasn't proved anything else, you are the problem. Fix it. Because what was the reason for all of this?

We both know the #truth, but I also see the root of the issue. You only need to look at the #storyteller in the mirror to see it. You had better decide quickly which path to take. The Executive has entered the chat and it's time for you to make a choice.

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